Halloween: 2021 edition

Halloween pumpkins


Halloween: 2021 edition

By Melissa Thibodeau

In some families, Halloween is easily the second most favourite holiday (without it truly being a holiday-holiday). For them, decorating and dressing up is as much fun for the kids as it is for the parents. Where does your family stand? Are you all in for Halloween, or are the kids into it more than you?

I absolutely love Halloween. The music, the movies, the decorations, all of it. I really enjoy helping my girls with their costumes. I’ve even been known to break out the glue gun for a costume and to paint my eldest’s face to look like a mummy. I also love making spooky treats for their school parties. But if I’m being honest, I had had my fill of the cartoony Halloween stuff and my excitement was waning. “Will they always want the friendly ghouls and goblins?” I asked myself.

“ I’m happy to report that those rosy-cheeked vampires, the smiling ghosts and bright-eyed Frankensteins and mummies DO have a shelf life”

But last year, everything changed. Last year, we had *the* breakthrough I’d been hoping for. Last year was the very first time we decorated with things that were actually haunting. You see, my youngest, who had always been frightened of realistic masks, and décor (and rightfully so), came to me a week before Halloween with her sister, and asked if we could get scarier decorations. “YESSSS!”, I exclaimed, after she assured me, she was certain. I danced a little jig because I’d been waiting for this moment for so long.

And so, my friends, if you have little ones in your midst and are mentally counting down until you can finally trade-in your collection of totally unscary decorations, like I was, I’m happy to report that those rosy-cheeked vampires, the smiling ghosts and bright-eyed Frankensteins and mummies DO have a shelf life, and it looks like it’s about 6 to 6 ½ years (insert sigh of relief, right?)

Here are 7 projects and ideas that I love, that I’d done myself, to help you along your own journey towards spooktacular Halloweens! I for one am really looking forward to this next chapter of our lives.

Yummy mummy cupcakes
Rice Krispie Monsters

1 These yummy mummy cupcakes by Rumbly Tumbly are so easy to make and they’re perfect for school parties.

2 Another fun treat kids love are One Little Project’s Rice Krispie Monsters (ok, let’s face it, these are cuter than they are creepy, right?

cuter than they are creepy, right?

Halloween decorations
Vintage-looking portraits
Halloween picture books
3 I was inspired by the ominous black birds and porch bats from this Martha Stewart article. Maybe this year I’ll make the snake wreath and spider egg sacks (!!)

4 These vintage-looking portraits are chilling holograms. I got a few of them for our front entry and they’re perfect.

5 Every year I add one or 2 picture books to our Halloween collection. We read them all month and after Halloween, we store them away again, with the decorations. We Are Teachers have my favourite roundup.

Oh Happy Day’s Halloween costume DIYs
Super simple costume tutorials

6 From the simple to the more elaborate, Oh Happy Day’s Halloween costume DIYs range from adorable to the really clever. You can’t go wrong with any of these.

7 There’s even more super simple costume tutorials and inspiration on Woman’s Day’s website here.

Happy Halloween!


About the author: Our senior copywriter, Melissa Thibodeau is a creative at heart, not just with words. Crafting, baking, home decor and DIYs are her passions. When Melissa isn’t making something with her daughters, you can find her in the garden or biking in the woods.



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